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JT Dicken - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Doğum günü 2005-10-31


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JT Dicken is a high school filmmaker aspired to be a film director going into college and beyond. Inspired by narrative storytelling directors such as Martin Scorsese, Edgar Wright, and Richard Linklater, JT finds inspirations from their work and puts his own twist to his short narrative films and experimental shorts he has worked on. JT began making short films in his sophomore year of high school with his directorial debut "starting a conversation.", a short high school comedy with slight experimental factor showcasing his love for projecting adolescence with an eye for using tracking shots and pans. Right after his first short, he co-directed a feature length film with his good friend Jonathan Widdup called "AFTERMATH". JT also helps collaborate with Widdup's other projects as well, being an actor and production assistant in 2023 VHSL Award Winning Short "INCREDULOUS", and in his upcoming feature film "Sunday Dinner". In his junior year of high school, he wrote and directed his next short, "always next to me.", which was selected for the VHSL Film Festival and granted 3rd Place for Narrative in 2023. JT is now currently in pre-production planning for his next short film "walking on, moving on.", dedicated to his friend group that helped shaped his teenage adolescence. He continues to talk about his love for the art of film with his peers and others around him with great aspirations of becoming a feature film director.


2022starting a conversation. as The Teacher
Reckless as Attacker/ Guy Jogging
Spotlight as Doctor

Diğer Roller

2024walking on, moving on. - Director
2024walking on, moving on. - Writer
2024WISDOM - Director
2024WISDOM - Editor
2024WISDOM - Writer
2023Grandma's Dead - Gaffer
2023Grandma's Dead - Production Assistant
2023FLASHWARD HALL - Director
2023always next to me. - Boom Operator
2023always next to me. - Camera Operator
2023always next to me. - Director
2023always next to me. - Director of Photography
2023always next to me. - Story
2023always next to me. - Writer
2023INCREDULOUS - Boom Operator
2022Aftermath - Camera Operator
2022Aftermath - Casting
2022Aftermath - Director
2022starting a conversation. - Boom Operator
2022starting a conversation. - Camera Operator
2022starting a conversation. - Director
2022starting a conversation. - Writer
Spotlight - Camera Operator
always starting to move on, INCREDULOUSLY through the SPOTLIGHT. - Director
Spotlight - Production Assistant
Reckless - Script Consultant
always starting to move on, INCREDULOUSLY through the SPOTLIGHT. - Story
always starting to move on, INCREDULOUSLY through the SPOTLIGHT. - Writer


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