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Walter von Huene - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Walter Von Huene
Walter Von


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Walter von Huene is a veteran of the entertainment industry with over 30 years of experience in film and television. He directed "Ancient Warriors", a film shot in Sardinia, Italy which received worldwide release. He has worked with Ron Howard, Tom Hanks, Steve Martin, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Julia Roberts. He has also served as a senior communication consultant in the corporate and political arenas, and his clients include YELP, Healthnet, Mosaic Corp., Juniper, Accel Partners as well many others. Walter has also been involved with top political figures including Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, Duf Sundheim, former California Chair of the Republican Party, Meg Whitman, and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.


2017Akıbet as Volunteer (uncredited)
2015Maggie as Security Officer
2003Terminatör 3: Makinelerin Yükselişi as CRS Victim
2000Altıncı Gün as Virtual Psychiatrist (as Walter Von Huene)
1999Şeytanın Günü as Motorman
1996Babam Söz Verdi as Taxi Driver
1995Apollo 13 as Technician
1989Çılgın Aile as Opposing Coach
1986The Lone Star Kid

Diğer Roller

2003Ancient Warriors - Director
2003Ancient Warriors - Writer
1990Özel Bir Kadın - Associate Producer
1990Özel Bir Kadın - Second Unit Director


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