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Matthew Tyler - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
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Matthew Tyler is an American filmmaker and composer based in Brooklyn. He is the founder of the film collective Theory One and co-founder of Change Better, which helps nonprofits tell their story through film.

Diğer Roller

2024The Looming Cloud - Cinematography
2024The Looming Cloud - Director
2024The Looming Cloud - Producer
2024The Looming Cloud - Writer
2023Coming - Director
2023Coming - Director of Photography
2023Coming - Music
2022The Speed of Sound - Director
2022The Speed of Sound - Director of Photography
2022The Speed of Sound - Music
2022The Speed of Sound - Writer
2011Tick Tock Time Emporium - Editor
Living Things - Cinematography
Living Things - Director
Living Things - Music
Living Things - Writer


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