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Barney Rosset - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Chicago, Illinois, USA
Doğum günü 1922-05-28
Ölüm 2012-02-21
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Barnet Lee Rosset, Jr.


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)


2019Barney's Wall as Himself (archival footage)
2012Far Out Isn't Far Enough: The Tomi Ungerer Story as Himself
2008Obscene: A Portrait of Barney Rosset and Grove Press as Self
2003The Battle for 'I Am Curious-Yellow' as Self (archive footage)
2002Rosset/de Grazia: A Conversation as Himself
1961Waiting for Godot as Himself

Diğer Roller

2003The Battle for 'I Am Curious-Yellow' - Other
2002Rosset/de Grazia: A Conversation - Writer


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