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Nilde Iotti - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Reggio Emilia, Italy
Doğum günü 1920-04-10
Ölüm 1999-12-04


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Leonilde "Nilde" Iotti (Italian pronunciation: [ˈnilde ˈjɔtti]; 10 April 1920 – 4 December 1999) was an Italian politician, member of the Italian Communist Party (PCI). She was the first and only woman member of the PCI to become the president of the Chamber of Deputies, an office she held for three consecutive legislatures from 1979 to 1992, becoming the longest-serving post-war president of the Chamber.


1984L'addio a Enrico Berlinguer as Self


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