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Fiamma Maglione - profili | Sosyallift©

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Ölüm 2003-01-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Fiamma Maione
Meg Fleming
Mag Fleming


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Fiamma Maglione was the wife of Italian producer Mino Loy. She occasionally acted and composed music for his films, namely Umberto Lenzi's two cannibal exploitation films in the early 80's (CANNIBAL FEROX and EATEN ALIVE) as well as Lenzi's later BLUE LAGOON knockoff DAUGHTER OF THE JUNGLE. She had a few key roles and bit parts in Italian exploitation films, including as James Franciscus's ex-wife in CONCORDE: AIRPORT 79 as well as Mr. Desmond's secretary in NIGHTMARE CITY. After shifting more toward post production and sound mixing in the late 80's, Fiamma becamse sick with cancer and passed away in 2003.


1981Cannibal Ferox as Myra Stenn
1981La moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepe as Carmelina, la domestica
1980Incubo sulla città contaminata as Mr. Desmond's Secretary (uncredited)
1980Mangiati vivi! as Alma
1979La poliziotta della squadra del buon costume as The wife
1979Concorde Affaire '79 as Nicole Brody
1979Brillantina Rock as Robbie's Sister
1977Orazi e Curiazi 3 - 2 as Sibilla Cubana

Diğer Roller

1992Prima le donne e i bambini - Assistant Director
1989La maschera del demonio - Dialogue Editor
1989L'uomo che non voleva morire - Dialogue Editor
1988Per sempre - Dialogue Editor
1988La casa dell'orco - Dialogue Editor
1982Incontro nell'ultimo paradiso - Original Music Composer
1981Cannibal Ferox - Original Music Composer
1980Mangiati vivi! - Original Music Composer
1978Emanuelle e Lolita - Music
1976Una donna chiamata Apache - Music


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