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Filippo Perego - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

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1986Ginger e Fred as Hotel Director (uncredited)
1984I due carabinieri as Padre di Adalberto (uncredited)
1980Porta Romana'da Cinayet as Onorevole (uncredited)
1980Inferno as Tenant in New York Building (uncredited)
1978Indagine su un delitto perfetto as Sir Arthur's Butler (uncredited)
1978Candido erotico
1977La via della droga as Lawyer
1975Un urlo dalle tenebre as Priest
1975Ah sì? E io lo dico a Zzzzorro! as Politician
1975Fantozzi as Clinic Administrator (uncredited)
1974Nipoti miei diletti as Medico (uncredited)
1973Mi chiamavano 'Requiescat'... ma avevano sbagliato as Major
1973La mano nera as Italian Consul (uncredited)
1971Il ritorno del gladiatore più forte del mondo (Three Giants of the Roman Empire) as padre di Diana
1970Konformist as Man in Elevator (uncredited)
1969Le Sorelle as Party Guest (uncredited)
1969Femina Ridens as Politician (uncredited)
1969Amarsi male as Man in nightclub
1968Ruba al prossimo tuo


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