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Leontine Sagan - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria]
Doğum günü 1889-02-13
Ölüm 1974-05-20
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Leontine Schlesinger


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Leontine Sagan, born Schlesinger, was an Austrian-Hungarian actress and director. As an actress she was trained by Max Reinhardt. As a film director she is best known for directing "Mädchen in Uniform" (1931). Sagan only made three feature films, all of which are notable. "Mädchen in Uniform" has an all-female cast and was ground-breaking not only for its portrayal of lesbian and pedagogical eros, but also for the production's co-operative and profit-sharing financial arrangements.


1995Die Nacht der Regisseure as Self
1931Der weiße Rausch
1927Der große Sprung
1926Der heilige Berg

Diğer Roller

1932Men of Tomorrow - Director
1932Men of Tomorrow - Editor
1932Men of Tomorrow - Writer
1931Mädchen in Uniform - Director


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