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Cliff Charles - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

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Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Clifford Charles


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Diğer Roller

2021The Slow Hustle - Cinematography
2016Hannibal Buress: Comedy Camisado - Director of Photography
2015Brent Morin: I'm Brent Morin - Director of Photography
2015Heart Of The Shore - Director
2014The Final Shot: A Farewell to Boardwalk Empire - Director of Photography
2014Finding the Funk - Director of Photography
2010One Night in Vegas - Director of Photography
2009Good Hair - Director of Photography
2005Les enfants invisibles - Director of Photography
2005Jellysmoke - Director of Photography
2004Men Without Jobs - Director of Photography
2004Men Without Jobs - Producer
2002Gangsterler - Director of Photography
Love Goggles - Cinematography


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