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Ralph Lundsten - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Ersnäs, Norrbotten, Sweden
Doğum günü 1936-10-06
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Ralph Lundsten is a Swedish composer of electronic music, as well as a film director, artist and author. He was born on 6 October 1936 in Ersnäs, Norrbotten, in northern Sweden, and now lives in Nacka on the outskirts of Stockholm, still close to the forest and the sea. His home is Castle Frankenburg, dating from 1878, a wooden fairytale mansion which also houses his famous picture and electronic music studio Andromeda. Since 1959 he has lived an independent life, creating his own personal musical language, and preparing original films and exhibitions. His song Out in the Wide World serves as the signature tune for Radio Sweden International broadcasts. During the 1950s Ralph Lundsten built his own electronic musical instruments and was one of the first pioneers in this field.


2019Hans Arnold – Penselns Häxmästare as Himself
1988Likt vinden far min längtan
1973Cosmic Love as Himself

Diğer Roller

1990I huvet på n' Gamlin - Music
1987Skulden - Music
1984Nära jorden, nära skogen - Music
1980Kvindesind - Music
1979Gå på vattnet om du kan - Music
1976Elvis! Elvis! - Music
1975Breaking Point - Music
1973Thriller - en grym film - Music
1972Человек с другой стороны - Sound
1971Exponerad - Music
1970Love Is War - Music
1970Som hon bäddar får han ligga - Music
1968Reseminne - Director
1968Reseminne - Music
1967Hjärtat brinner - Director
1967Hjärtat brinner - Music
1966EMS nr 1 - Director
1966Hej natur - Director
1966Transcendent - Variation 1 - Director
1966Transcendent - Variation 2 - Director
1966EMS nr 1 - Music
1966Hej natur - Music
1965Komposition i tre satser - Director
1965Kontrast - Director
1965Komposition i tre satser - Director of Photography
1965Komposition i tre satser - Music
1963Främmande planet - Director
1963Storstadens puls - Director
1963Främmande planet - Music


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