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Thomas F. Dixon Jr. - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Shelby, North Carolina, USA
Doğum günü 1864-01-11
Ölüm 1946-04-03


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​ Thomas F. Dixon, Jr. (January 11, 1864 – April 3, 1946) was an American Baptist minister, playwright, lecturer, North Carolina state legislator, lawyer, and author, perhaps best known for writing The Clansman — which was to become the inspiration for D. W. Griffith's film, The Birth of a Nation (1915).  


1912A Freight Train Drama as Jake

Diğer Roller

1937Nation Aflame - Story
1926The Gentle Cyclone - Writer
1925The Trail Rider - Writer
1924The Brass Bowl - Writer
1924The Foolish Virgin - Novel
1919Bolshevism on Trial - Writer
1916The Foolish Virgin - Novel
1916The Fall of a Nation - Director
1916The Fall of a Nation - Writer
1915Bir Ulusun Doğuşu - Adaptation
1915Bir Ulusun Doğuşu - Novel


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