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Line: 380
Bruno Philip - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Gap, France
Doğum günü 1956-05-29


Verdiğin oy:
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Diğer Roller

2023Le mythe de la femme noire - Director of Photography
2017Après coup - Cinematography
2017Après coup - Producer
2017Après coup - Set Decoration
2014Le Militaire - Director of Photography
2014Le Militaire - Producer
2008South of the Moon - Cinematography
2008İşkence Odası - Director of Photography
2003Island Rhythms - Director
2001Nowhere in Sight - Director of Photography
2000Artificial Lies - Director of Photography
2000Heavy Metal 2000 - Cinematography
2000Heavy Metal 2000 - Director of Photography
2000Someone Is Watching - Director of Photography
1998Evrenin Sırrı 2 - Cinematography
1997The Assignment - Additional Camera
1997Snowboard Academy - Cinematography
1997Stranger in the House - Camera Operator
1996Midnight in Saint Petersburg - Camera Operator
1995Screamers - Second Unit Director of Photography
1992Francoeur: Exit pour nomades - Cinematography
1991With Friends Like These... - Director of Photography


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