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Charli Baltimore - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Doğum günü 1974-08-16
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Tiffany Lane


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Charli Baltimore (born August 16, 1974), also known as Tiffany Lane, is a Grammy-nominated American rapper–songwriter. Her stage name is taken from Geena Davis's character in the film The Long Kiss Goodnight. Born to a German father and an African-American mother, Charli was raised mainly by her elder half-sister, Yolanda. After graduating Pierce College and having two daughters, she met the Notorious B.I.G. at a concert in the summer of 1995. He supported her in her rap ambitions, but after his death Charli went into a tailspin. She pulled herself back together in time to attend his funeral, and released her own album, "Ice", and worked on the "Woo" Soundtrack.


2022Fatally Flawless as Charli
2018The Stuff as Diane
2012Gang of Roses 2: Next Generation as Cassie
2003Crime Partners as Hitwoman
2001Snipes as Trixx
2000Da Hip Hop Witch as Charli Baltimore
2000Bamboozled as Mau Mau: Smooth Blak


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