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Line: 380
Irving Saraf - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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Diğer Roller

2006The Sermons of Sister Jane: Believing the Unbelievable - Director
1998Rachel's Daughters: Searching for the Causes of Breast Cancer - Director
1991In the Shadow of the Stars - Director
1985Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo - Editor
1983The Great Spirit Within the Hole - Editor
1983The Great Spirit Within the Hole - Production Director
1983The Angel That Stands By Me - Cinematography
1983The Angel That Stands By Me - Editor
1983The Angel That Stands By Me - Producer
1977Possum Trot - The Life and Work of Calvin Black 1903-1972 - Director
1975Guguk Kuşu - Post Production Supervisor
1971Fidel - Director
1971Fidel - Director of Photography
1971Fidel - Editor
1968From Protest to Resistance - Director
1966Losing Just the Same - Cinematography
1966Losing Just the Same - Director
1966Losing Just the Same - Editor
1964Take This Hammer - Cinematography
1961The Rejected - Co-Producer
USA: Poetry Anne Sexton - Editor


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