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Harold Waldridge - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1900-01-06
Ölüm 1957-06-26


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1937Dental Follies as (as Harold Wordbridge)
1936Dancing Pirate as Orville (uncredited)
1936Show Boat
1935Hitch Hike Lady as Oswald Brown
1935Slightly Static as Mr. Campbell's Son, Elmer
1935Gigolette as Ginsy
1934Manhattan Love Song as Phineas Jones
1934Easy to Love as Elevator Boy
1933Lady Killer
1933In the Money as Lionel
1933The Devil's Mate as Joe
1933She Had to Say Yes as Glass' Office Boy
1932The Death Kiss as Charlie
1932The All-American as Scheming Willie Walsh
1932Blessed Event as George
1932Jewel Robbery as Jewelry Clerk (uncredited)
1932Strangers of the Evening as Tommy Freeman (as Harold Waldrige)
1932The Heart of New York as Jakie
1932High Pressure as Gus Vanderbilt (as Harold Waldrige)
1931Manhattan Parade as First Page Boy
1931Safe in Hell as New Orleans Hotel Bellhop (uncredited)
1931Sob Sister as Johnny
1931Five Star Final
1931June Moon as Young Goebel


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